Sunday, February 6, 2011


The Saw series became popular not just in America but also in many other countries for being some of the most horrifying and gory movies ever made in Hollywood. For those who have not seen the series either out of ignorance or out of sheer horror, let me give you an insight into the premise of these movies.

The concept, around which the series revolves, is that of a psychopath serial killer who likes to call himself ‘Jigsaw’. Even though the investigators and the media labels him as a killer, technically he is not a killer. All he does is choose people who, he thinks do not value either their own life or the lives of others and put them into a trap, or rather what he likes to call 'A Game'. He always gives his victims instructions on how to play the game and free themselves from the traps that they are in. In order to obtain the key which may unlock the trap, they would have to go through pain. The process might even be fatal. But the victims have to make a choice…a choice of either going through the painful process and trying to free themselves or stay where they are, do nothing and die. The choice is always theirs…and must be made quickly for there is a clock that is ticking.
The design of the game is such that, even though it is Jigsaw who sets up the trap, he does not actually kill them. It is purely their choice that would determine their fate. There is also a lesson which Jigsaw wants his victims to learn, which he believes they will, if they survive through the game.
Just like any other tangent concept, these series have been appreciated by many and also subjected to much criticism. But nevertheless, they have managed to capture the attention of audience worldwide.
Even though the series do not feature on my list of favourites, my appreciation of the concept and curiosity to understand its treatment in the sequels, got me to watch most of them. After recovering from the impact of the gory scenes in the movies, I pondered over the concept. The result…was a revelation. The revelation was that of the real Jigsaw.
We all are in a game. God, The Almighty, Our Creator or whatever one might call that supernatural power, is the Jigsaw. He gives us instructions in many different ways unlike the character in the movie, who always uses a mini tape. It is for us to decipher the instructions. We too have to make choices. Tough choices. Survival is not the objective of the game, for we are aware that death will come someday. This game designed by the real Jigsaw is far more complex than the ones in the movies. There might be more than one objective, but one of the core objectives that I have come to realize is that of Growth. We are here to grow…not just physically but mentally, emotionally and most of all… spiritually. The process of growth too, is painful…at times, extremely painful. The question is whether we make the choice of going through the pain and enduring it, to free ourselves in order to learn the lessons and progress karmically or decide to be stagnant and decay.
The game began the moment we took birth. The process of birth too, is painful for both the mother and the child. If I am here writing this and you are there reading this, it means that we have endured pain to a certain extent and grown. Do we have what it takes to grow further? Do we have what it takes to make the choice? Are we willing to break our cocoons and let the thorns prick our feet before the petals kiss them?
Make the choice soon, for the clock is ticking…but unlike the games in the movies, we are not shown the clock. All we know is that it is ticking…and the real Jigsaw is watching…
So…are you ready to continue playing the Game?


  1. Only the ones who have the DESIRE to survive and grow play THE GAME.
    Its all about ones WILLINGNESS to go ahead and face the situation rather than sitting back and doing nothing.

  2. Firstly i must commend you on the brilliant insight and review. Great Job!!! and I for one totally agree with what you have to say.

    Its only the brave who walk through fire and wade through water knowing, rather believing that one cannot even begin to understand, let alone appreciate growth & happiness in one's life, unless and until one has walked down that difficult path.

    I guess its also a reminder to us all, that even in our deepest darkest moments, it is essential that we not only see but believe in the light at the end of the tunnel, for that alone will brew the desire to survive and keep moving forward.

    A wise man once described this act in the most apt possible way, he simply said "Never Give Up". So for all of you'll out there GAME ON!!!!!!!

  3. i like i like... reminds me of our marine drive talks :) EN GUARD!

  4. I think this is one of the best blogs you have ever written...Hats off!!I really liked the second part of your blog..the clock is ticking but you never know the time..nice one!!
